Anti-Trump Anti-Musk Protest in downtown Lewistown last week. Photograph by my husband. #civilrights #civildisobedience #protest #protestmovement #antitrump #antimusk #politics #pennsylvania #centralpennsylvania #smalltown #statecollege #harrisburg #mtunion #huntingdon #friend
An anti-Trump/anti-Musk protest was held in downtown Lewistown on Saturday. Photo by my husband. #protest #civilunrest #civilrights #protestmarchers #antifas #antifascists #smalltown #theunitedstates #america #disapproval #protestsigns #patriots #socialsecurity #medicare
New #bookreview: SPRING FLING by Annie England Noblin, a charming small-town, second-chance romance. #AnnieEnglandNoblin @aenoblin @avonbooks @HarperCollins
#AvonBooks #ReadAvon #HappilyEverAvon #romancereads #secondchanceromance #smalltown #romancestagram @bookstagram @booksky #romancelandia
Just looked up my Mom's hospice doctor's 8th grade school photo - he was a year behind me and I just found my 9th grade annual (our junior high was 7 - 9 back then).
#SmallTown #Kentucky
That awkward moment in your hometown where a guy offers his condolences and you remember that he's the guy that stole all the class reunion funds a few years ago.
I read and reviewed Rip Tide by Elena Graf, book 11 of the Hobbit series
#Maine #womenover50 #community #friendships #exes #marriage #wlw #loss #gunviolence #Trauma #love #religion #parenting #children #smalltown