Learning is a process.
These fingerless gloves were my first knitting project. I worked them flat and sewed the sides while leaving a gap for the thumb hold. They're not very fancy and they might not be perfect, but I still love to wear them when I'm playing games on my computer since my hands get cold really easily.
#knit #knitting #frenchknit #frenchknitter #handmade #yarn #yarnaddict #fiber
Et voilà, mon châle bariolé est terminé. La laine bleu canard est en alpaga et est trop trop douce. Un vrai doudou . Est-ce que vous voulez les explications?
#knit #knitting #tricot #knitdesign #châle #ArcEnCiel
Trying this again because I didn't get it quite right the first time.
@alisynthesis Tagging @charitystitchers , @christianstitchers, @knitting , @textilearts , @fiberarts , @fiberart , @fibrearts !
New in the shop: Catania, a dreamy pistachio green sock yarn! Soft, strong, and just a little bit nutty. Would you knit with this colour?
There’s a 20% discount on ALL items until April 1st (no joke!) for any new customer to celebrate the opening of the webshop.
I finished off the reading wrap, and then decided not to add pockets at all BUT I did sew up the sleeves to make it into more of a scarf with sleeves vs. a wrap and I LOVE IT (I also hate knitting scarf-like objects, they take so damn long). Also.. thumb holes. Because thumb. holes.
*edit* Pattern is Reader's Wrap by Lisa Carnahan (https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/readers-wrap)
Will I be able to #knit up the rest of the skein and change colors? I guess we will see #live on https://twitch.tv/yarnia
March finished in the Secret-Stash-Busting sock along, just waiting till I get my new blockers...lol.
No pattern used. I just added a few cables.
Yarn is Wollbiene - Crazy Cotton, these will be bed socks for winter. Never used it before, not sure I like it.
#handdyedYarn #socks #handdyedYarnAustralian #neverNotKnitting @knitting #knittersOfTheWorld #knitting #knittingAddict #knittingLove #knit #knittersOfMastodon #fibreArts #crafts #handmade