@nathan_rusticwidow @mayodsl tu peux trouver que c’est un bon film #FeelFree
@nathan_rusticwidow @mayodsl tu peux trouver que c’est un bon film #FeelFree
The sea is such a wonderful place to feel free. There's nothing to stop our thoughts from wandering, all the way to the horizon and beyond. To places we've never seen before! And we always know we'll come back to ourselves, safe and sound, and not get lost in the infinite expanse.
Je me suis mis à re-publier l'APK de #signal qui est disponible https://signal.org/android/apk/ sur mon #repo #fdroid : https://releases.nailyk.fr/repo/
And, you #ReallyThought your #Denception would #Work... | #LookNoQuestionMark #Disindenuous
#Syzito is a #BustedFlush; #FeelFree to #Defederate whenever you #Like... #NoOneCares | #TheFediverseRemembers
#IKnowRight? It reads a lot worse than it was... There was #ZeroBodyCount; but, the #Jag was #QuitePoorly
#JaguarAssistance were #Great; they put us up in a #LocalHotel overnight and arranged for a #ReplacementVehicle such that we could continue our #Journey in #TheMorning
#ToBeContinued | #FeelFree to #CheckOut #AtAnyPoint...
#JustAThought: #FeelFree to #Discard it as you #SeeFit...
Have you #Considered a #CeilingMounted #MosquitoNet / #Canopy for your #Sleeproom...? #RockyNotwithstanding
Or, there's always the #PharmaOption...
Does he #EatShootsAndLeaves...? | #FeelFree not to #AnswerThat, #IF you #Like...
I was #DrivingHome #OneNight from a #NiceDayOut with my #RomanCatholicMother; #TheBFF and #MyLittleBigBuddy were #AtHome, #Already...
#So; #RedBeanBear, #Me and the #PrideOrange #WarMachine on a #RoadTrip in #TheMiddleOfTheNight...
I #Love #NightDriving almost as much as I used to #Love #NightFlights. My #NightVision remains #Excellent. #IT's a #SuperPower (#OneAmongMany). #IDigress, #Already...
#FeelFree to #CheckOut #AtAnyPoint...
i am #looking for #slimes and #demons to #breed a #SlimeKnight in #DragonQuest #Monsters1. so, anyone in the #Georgia #Savannah area with a #GameBoy #LinkCable please #FeelFree to #DirectMessage me #directly