A very pleasant board game evening last night with @neonbubble and our respective partners.
'Ticket to Ride (Europe)' went down well with six games in all.
I think we've all agreed to do it again at some point.
A very pleasant board game evening last night with @neonbubble and our respective partners.
'Ticket to Ride (Europe)' went down well with six games in all.
I think we've all agreed to do it again at some point.
Paroles de la chanson “Ticket To Ride” de The Beatles
#TheBeatles #TicketToRide
Had a great day playing board games!
We started the day with our final game of Ticket to Ride Legacy. It was fun! My wife and I ended up tying for third/fourth of five. It was a good time. The game had it's issues, but overall, it was entertaining.
We also played another game of Harmonies. We've been a bit obsessed with this little gem. It's a head scratcher, and we're constantly groaning about our hasty tile placements. It's great!
We finished the night with Fromage. It took some work to learn it, but once we got playing, it just flew by. It was so much fun! And the simple little time keeping mechanic was pretty clever. This one is great and I can't wait to play it again!
En attendant l’heure de l’apéro sans penser à demain…
#BoardGames #TTR #TicketToRide #Berlin
(Je perds, mais c’est pas fini…)
So travelling on a #HST is now an exciting adventure on a heritage #railway #nenevalleyrailway #tickettoride #groundhogday
The 6yo and I played our first game of his Xmas gift from Auntie, Ticket To Ride: First Journey.
Great game. Fun, strategic while not overwhelming, and quick. And a beautiful game board.
(Plus there are actually Canadian cities on the board!)
Highly recommend.
Consulta la letra de la canción “Ticket To Ride” de The Beatles
#TheBeatles #TicketToRide
Had a great game of Ticket to Ride Berlin, second week in a row I have won a game!
#Introduction (2)
Support #WomensRugby (#HarlequinsWomen and the #RedRoses), and - for my sins - #Pompey and #England #Football.
Love #BoardGames (#Carcassonne, #QuacksOfQuedlinberg, #TicketToRide) and #Wargaming (#BloodBowl, #MoonStone, #Oathmark, #BurrowsAndBadgers).
Trying to get back into #Running after an achilles injury and love a long #Walk or two. #Walking usually involves a #Pub since I love my #Beer and #RealAle.
Looking forward to interacting with you lovely folks in 2025.
New ticket to ride for christmas. The Iberia expansion is definitely the chaotic one with the drafting of tickets! #boardgames #tickettoride
Letra de la canción “Ticket To Ride” de The Beatles
#TheBeatles #TicketToRide
Lyrics for the song “Ticket To Ride” by The Beatles
#TheBeatles #TicketToRide
How do you all feel about #tattoos ? I know it was (is?) still a no-no in #judaism but it seems like that is changing, especially with more secular Jews.
I say tattoos are fine (I don't judge), but especially if they show an appreciation for this life or if they're a path to healing.
After all, Judaism is distinctly focused on this life, instead of an afterlife.
My tattoo is based on this story:
1. I did something good. I am firmly of the belief G-d would approve.
2. After I called out a few people on their wrongdoing, I was traumatically villified by those people. It was extremely traumatic. Therapy has been helpful but we never fully heal - only learn to live with things.
3. Part of that healing of that was playing a lot of #tickettoride (yes, the board game) with the people I love. Family and friends.
So I have a locomotive to symbolize healing, moving forward, power to continue, plus a semicolon tucked in there for mental health awareness.
How about you all?
Which #TicketToRide #game variant should I buy as xmas present for a 9-year-old kid and his (gamer) parents?
Game night during one of the little one's all-too-brief naps. We played "Ticket to Ride London." We really like this one - we picked it up at a severe discount at a Walmart one year. It is small enough to play quickly but still be challenging. It is also one of a handful of games we have that is for more than two people, LOL.
Sherri and I took a stroll down Memory Lane with a couple games of vanilla #TickettoRide. Foray time playing the physical copy in several years! It still very much holds up and holds a very special place in our hearts and in our board game journey. #BoardGameLoveStory #bgstats
See the lyrics for the song “Ticket To Ride” by The Beatles
#TheBeatles #TicketToRide
Text des Liedes “Ticket To Ride” von The Beatles
#TheBeatles #TicketToRide
Had a 4-player game of Ticket to Ride Old West tonight. Definitely a different experience than when we had 2 players starting on completely opposite sides of the board. Claiming a city had big impacts this time, and the deciding factor on the victory was the bonus for most completed routes.
See the lyrics for the song “Ticket To Ride” by The Beatles
#TheBeatles #TicketToRide