Today's #ToddlerDnD moment:
"I search the room for loot."
"There is no loot."
"I search again."
"No need. You succeeded your roll. There is no loot in this room."
"I yell NOW."
"Yelling NOW won't make loot appear out of thin air."
"Are you sure? I'm gonna try anyway."
@TarkabarkaHolgy I’m going to try, too.
@tylerzonia Lol please do :D
”Okay, Okay – calm down – some loot may appear now. But that‘s no loot tomorrow th… – well, I guess we talk about that then“
@TarkabarkaHolgy "can I get the help action from my imaginary friend?"
I will say, I've run a bunch of one-shots at corporate events etc. and "I search again." evokes one of the hardest things IMHO to explain to TTRPG 1st-timers: that doing a check in a given scene constitutes the character's entire best effort to Do A Thing™ and you can't really re-do or repeat that; if any GM/DM has any tips for that one, hmu
@shi We had a running joke in my party saying "I just keep searching until I find it" :D :D
(I sometimes gave players a second try if they came up with actual imaginative actions/places to look. I like descriptions more than rolling, honestly.)
@TarkabarkaHolgy @shi
There was a D&D-adjacent semi-parody fantasy novel years back (I think "Another Day, Another Dungeon"). Unfortunately I don't recall being as funny as I think it was intended. But once scene stuck with me:
Protagonist & party search a room for useful/valuable items and find nothing. But the dwarf in the group isn't satisfied until they've whittled apart the table legs and generally reduced every piece of furniture to flinders confirming there were no hidden compartments.
"Use your words."
Words have power, right?
If you say, "NOW!" The treasure and secrets have to reveal themselves.
If you say, "STOP!" The people attacking you have to stop fighting.
@TarkabarkaHolgy Yelling NOW attracts half-a-dozen drunken mind flayers looking for fun.
@cenbe And they get their mind flayed by toddler screams
Path of the Zealot Barbarians can fight forever with 0 HP as long as they continue to rage.
Path of the Imagination Barbarian toddlers can rage loot until they find the thing they are looking for.
They can get a short rest without actually resting if they expend a rage to forgo NAP and can use their hit dice to heal up without rest.
They are immune to exhaustion but vulnerable to bard(mommy)songs of rest, they will pass out when this happens or anytime they ride in a transport.
I made a thing. I can't load a pdf up here but I'm more than willing to email it to you.
Here's a preview.
**Path of the Imagination (Toddler) Barbarian**
With toddler background.
**Barbarian Features:**
- **Bonus Proficiency:** At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the Investigation skill, reflecting your ability to search for hidden treasures during your "Tantrum Rages."
- **Tantrum Rage:** ....
@TarkabarkaHolgy „I‘ll search the room for hidden doors. There has to be loot“