Having a toddler is like having That Dude join your #DnD party.
"The innkeeper hands you a cup of his finest wine."
"What color is the cup?"
"The Wizard is casting Sleep. You immediately fall asleep."
"No I don't."
"You have the lowest HP in the party."
"It's a Gelatinous Cube."
"I lick it."
"It's very dangerous!"
"I'm already licking it."
@TarkabarkaHolgy raging at the wrong colour cup is relatable, though
@TarkabarkaHolgy People pay good money to lick a gelatinous cube.
@TarkabarkaHolgy “why did you take everything out of the bag of holding and spread it all over the camp!?”
@TarkabarkaHolgy this is 100% accurate
@TarkabarkaHolgy given the hilariousness of the post I was sad to find nothing else tagged with #ToddlerDnD
@SamDuede there should be!
@SamDuede Imma make this a thing now :D
@TarkabarkaHolgy "A dog-like creature walks towards you along the beach you have recently woken up on."
"Ooo puppie!"
"the creature stands on it's hind legs and says in an angry tone 'you talking to me?'"
"Yes puppy! I wanna pet you!"
First time I thought you said The Dude and it made no sense
@TarkabarkaHolgy Igen! I feel this post in my bones.