In the past, I've live tweeted #trips I've taken. As a #TravelBlogger, it makes outlining and writing blog posts easier after I get home. It's amazing how quickly you forget little details if you don't write them down. Should I live toot as well? I'm curious how engagement would compare to the blue bird. Shall we do an experiment?
Where are we heading on this, our very first, trip to the #Azores? We will be visiting #SaoMiguel and #Terceira.
I plan to live tweet all the fun for the next week or so.
Let's hope our flight is on time. We can't wait to get going!
Someone in the bulkhead seat in front of us just tried to shove their cabin bag behind them into our legroom. Tried to convince us that storage goes backwards. Nice try
The plane was really full, but we got incredibly lucky and the third seat in our row was empty. Slid myself over from the middle to the window
Loving the views on the way out of #Lisbon. We passed over the Vasco de Gama Bridge, a silo painted with a smiley, and the rugged coastline dotted with clouds.
Made it to #SaoMiguel in the #Azores. It's cool, foggy, and windy plus it's really green. First impressions? Feels like #Ireland
We didn't let the rain stop us and went out for an evening walk along the harbour in #SaoMiguel. We were rewarded with a break in the clouds and a pink sunset glow.
Our AL hosts (what #Portugal calls Airbnbs and guest houses) recommended Stages for dinner in the #SaoMiguel harbour. We enjoyed a fish fry made with Azorean forkbeard (a kind of hake), grilled squid, and a bottle of Portuguese wine from the Dão. #Azores
@sidewalksafari I am absolutely jealous! I am hoping to visit Portugal in November.
@jejord Very cool! Do you have thoughts on an itinerary yet? In the meantime, I'll just leave this here... My picks on things to do in Lisbon in November
@sidewalksafari Nice try! That's totally bizarre.
@jejord I know! And then what is the person in the last row supposed to do...