Half marathon training
Week 13, run 1/3
Today the tech failed me. The Cooper's test was on the menu: 10' running warm-up, then 12' at fast pace and 10' cool-down
Unfortunately the app stopped tracking after 6' at a fast pace interval. I noticed it only at 10' because I didn't receive any remaining time notification . That's when I stopped and fell short of 2' for the test. Then I finished with 12' of easy run.
No stats for today !
Oh no - wil u hav to do it again?
@Lee6 I don't think so. The app schedules it every month to monitor how much I improve.
@s1m0n4 Bravo quand même. Tu cours pendant 12 minutes à fond autant que tu peux, ou à une allure que tu sais soutenable, ou quelle autre stratégie ?