#introduction post.
Hi, my name's Danielle Louise, I'm 31 years old and my birthday is the 1st of September .
I'm a mother of two and I'm engaged to @danielholt
I live in #leicester and have done all my life.
My hobbies are #crossstich, #cooking, #books and #videogames.
I have no idea what I'm doing on here but feel free to #follow
@danniikpl @danielholt Welcome to Mastodon, Dannii!
Some great hobbies there! If you're interested in #Cooking, #VideoGames AND #Books, why not marry the 3, by swinging by #TheVideoGameLibrary's "Cookbook section
@thevglibrary @danielholt oh wow I will do! Thank you
@danniikpl @danielholt welcome! 31 year old gamer here too, what are your favorite games?
@Glyyth @danielholt hi there! Because of having a nine month old I'm limited to what I can play and also find time to get my cross stitch in right now I'm just doing animal crossing but I used to sit for hours on Minecraft, unreal tournament, Sims, cod and the uncharted series
@danniikpl @danielholt I hear you, that is a time consuming age!
And nice, I play a lot of minecraft with my 5 year old, great game. I play a lot of realms plus content so it keeps it really fresh. Also been meaning to play the Uncharted series.
@Glyyth @danielholt I can't wait until mine are old enough to play proper games with! Our eldest likes her Spyro and Lego games, not really my jam lol
Yeah I really enjoyed Uncharted
@danniikpl @danielholt haha yeah. I started him on minecraft and then No Mans Sky, so he doesn't know any different :).