#introduction I'm Digital Content Editor (ie I mainly edit text and images on a website) at Anglia Ruskin University.
I have a PhD in History, about only children's recollections of their childhoods between 1850-1950 in autobiographies and oral history interviews.
I blog about books, am attempting to develop myself as a short story writer, and like to play board games - my favourite is Wingspan.
You can find more info on most of these things at https://www.draliceviolett.com/all-the-links
@alicemcalicepants I love Wingspan too. The latest expansion arrived a bit ago but we're saving it for holidays. The box opening will be an event!
@Seattlemoose we've got and integrated the European one, and need to get our heads around the American one
@alicemcalicepants I like how they all work together nicely. So often expansion break the game or just make it longer. That didn't happen with the initial expansion(s?) on Wingspan.
@Seattlemoose ooh pretty! Ahaha I was less than pleased when my boyfriend got to steal one of my slugs at the end of a round and there weren't any in the feeder to replace it
@Seattlemoose Oceania, I mean, not American