Today was not the most productive writing day in terms of adding to the total word count, but I did delete a whole big section and start over, so I had to make up for that and so any advance beyond it is success.
I also rearranged a bunch of stuff, chapter-wise to reflect my new approach. Chapter 1 needs to be significantly beefed up compared to Chapter 2, but I can do that.
I'm growing in to the idea I can write this novel.
Another good thing is that this is the first week in a LONG time that I've kept to my M-W-F schedule. Which, I know, isn't "Write Every Day," but it's what I can do without burning out.
I may write some tomorrow, depending, but three days a week is what I aim for.
@trpeal "write every day" is silly advice. Much better to have a schedule that works for you!