Hi, I'm a storyteller and here's today's PSA:
"Damsel in distress waiting to be rescued" is not nearly as common in folktales as people make it out to be.
And in the one stereotypical story everyone quotes (Rapunzel in the tower), she is not even rescued by the guy.
#storytelling #StorytellingPSA #folklore #folktales
@TarkabarkaHolgy what a #Genre thing to say. I love it dearly. Thank you.
@TarkabarkaHolgy The most famous one from "medieval west" seems to be Fury of Rolando, and in that story the damsel leaves the Italian Paladin for a Muslim African Knight (Roggiero, though later converts to Christianity as the true hero) and the rest of the story is the paladin going insane.
@1000Jutsu Orlando is not a folktale though, it's a literary epic :) But I absolutely adore it, we told the whole thing for Epic Day once, with a bunch of fellow storytellers. My favorite was Marfisa, the Muslim knight woman :)
@TarkabarkaHolgy awesome, what other european epics do you recommend?
Not just European, but I did an Epics A to Z reading challenge a few years ago and blogged about it here:
@TarkabarkaHolgy These are PSAs the world needs.