Switched from #MorningTea to black cheap coffee today. I have Harcourt Fenton Mudd to keep me company.
@SecularJeffrey (clutches her black tea to her chest.) Why?!?!?!
Mom likes her Folgers dark and hot.
I've enjoyed making and buying premium coffees in the past, but don't keep any beans or equipment at her home since I moved in to take care of her.
I've been a #MorningTea person for the last few years since the move. Sometimes the aroma of even cheap coffee can be tantalizing.
I'm sure by afternoon #TeaTime I will have come to my senses
@SecularJeffrey I love coffee but unfortunately it doesn’t love me back. I’d could never give up my black tea though. It’s literally the fuel that keeps me running. Nice chatting with you. Enjoy your day!
@SecularJeffrey They should SO make a movie using this character!!!
@SecularJeffrey Mudd and his women!
Stella is my favorite!
@SecularJeffrey I haven't watched TOS in a while, need to revisit it.
@PrincessPie This is the 2nd Mudd episode with the Androids