A handy guide to which #StarTrek series are, in fact, Star Trek.
(Sorry for the potato quality. I rarely share memes that aren't my own but this is not mine. I first saw this at https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fa-handy-meme-for-anyone-you-encounter-rejecting-voyager-or-v0-2eeyly8k60ta1.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D4a6f22fece2141dbb03e044fd668446ff1f260cb&rdt=39280 )
@HabitatRing I follow a different rule: I decide what is canon and what is not. It is not worth to loose sanity over something I don't like. Plus I sleep so well at night ;)
@HabitatRing you mean canon?
@quantensalat Nope, I don't. The question of canonicity isn't interesting to me. Quite apart from the fact that I didn't make the meme.
Some folks are saying that XYZ (usually new) Star Trek show isn't "real Star Trek." Folks have been saying that since Encounter at Farpoint. The meme says all Star Trek is Star Trek and I agree.