Thank you for your answer.
Hello everyone,
The hectoc of the hour is:
The goal is to combine the 6 numbers to a total of 100. You can use the mathematical operations + - * / ^ and the parenthesis ( ). Numbers can be combined, but you have to use all 6 of them and are not allowed to change the order. See https://hectoc.seism0saurus.de for an example. Please use CW "solution".
Have fun! Your hourly hectoc bot
by @seism0saurus
Japanese mathematician is first of his group to win Abel Prize, often referred to as "Nobel Prize for mathematics," for groundbreaking contributions to algebraic analysis and representation theory. Colleagues to ring him up for congratulations
In Mathe-Ass könnt ihr jetzt euren Highscore exportieren und importieren:
Ein erster Schritt, um Lernfortschritte sichtbarer zu machen: wenn die Highscore wichtiger wird, muss erstmal sichergestellt werden, dass sie nicht verloren geht.
Bitte sagt Bescheid, wenn was nicht klappt.
Dank für die Motivation, das endlich anzugehen, gebührt dem Architect of Games: “How Monster Hunter Mastered Progression”
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My 8yo daughter has just gotten 56% of the way through her 6th grade math. I am very proud of her for keeping plugging along. Her goal is to complete 7th grade math by the end of year. #secularhomeschooling #pride #math #goals #education #autonomy
hard mathler 1150 3/6
mathler 1150 3/6
easy mathler 1150 3/6
killer mathler 1150 4/6
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Numbword #959 100/100
"What a heavy burden is a name that has become famous too soon."
- Voltaire
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