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Un journal qui disparaît c est triste.
C est ce qu il est arrivé à Kedistan.
Pour la route un article de juin. Palestine Israël. Dans quel état t' erres?

"Mais nous demander à nous si “reconnaître un Etat” est notre priorité, c’est comme demander à un végan si la viande bio est préférable au boeuf aux hormones canadien"


KEDISTAN · "Quand le moment sera venu" - KEDISTANLa vraie question est celle de la reconnaissance de la Palestine, de l'ensemble des populations qui la composent
Continued thread

📌 Erdoğan tiene una actitud que engaña tanto a sí mismo como a la sociedad turca.
📌 Para entender el nivel que ha alcanzado el #PKK, es necesario analizar bien el llamamiento realizado y la atmósfera que ha surgido después. Quiero decirles esto a los interesados: que nadie se engañe a sí mismo.
📌 Desde que tomamos la decisión del alto el fuego, los ataques continúan. Lo que estamos discutiendo es terminar con la lucha armada si las condiciones lo permiten. Es decir, hay sectores que no lo quieren. Si no se quieren que las armas callen, se está planeando un proceso de provocación. No querer el alto el fuego, no querer la ausencia de conflictos, significa que este proceso no avanzará.
📌 Es más, Turquía espera un cambio de nosotros.
📌 La cuestión kurda es tan histórica que no quedará en manos del #AKP - #MHP.
📌 Dentro del CHP, hay una fracción que impide una actitud saludable que apoye el proceso.
📌 El #CHP debe saber que quien resuelva la cuestión kurda encontrará a los kurdos a su lado.
📌 Mientras se forma una nueva #Turquía, el pueblo kurdo reflejará su voluntad en el terreno político.

Fuente: t.me/gerilaname1/2743

TelegramGerîla_NamePKK Merkez Komite Üyesi Helîn Ümit: 📌Biz çağrıyı çağın manifestosu olarak ele aldık. 📌Çağrı, Önder Apo'nun ortaya koyduğu demokratik toplum paradigmasının en rafine halidir. 📌 Biz 20 yıldır bu paradigma üzerine eğitim alıyor ve tartışıyoruz. 📌Bu çıkış, herkes için çok yeni gelebilir; süreç anlamında yeni ve çarpıcı, ancak biz bu paradigma ile yeni tanışmıyoruz. 📌Çağrı, PKK’ye yapılan bir çağrıdır. 📌Biz, paradigmamızla uyumlu olmak istiyoruz. 📌PKK, 50 yıllık mücadelesi içerisinde, Kürt sorununu varlık ve özgürlük sorunu yaşayan bir halk gerçekliğini ortaya çıkardı ve mücadele eder hale getirdi. Bunun artık silah dışında diğer araçlarla kendini ifade etme zemini de oldu. 📌Dışarıdan dayatılan baskı, saldırı ve sabotaj girişimleriyle tahrik zemini, bir değişim ve dönüşümü engelledi. 📌Çağrı ile her şey oldu bittiye getirilmek isteniyor. 📌Önderliğimizin önümüze koyduğu değişim ve dönüşüm sürecini anlamamız için Önder Apo ile iletişimimizin olması gerekmektedir. 📌Önder Apo, sürecin ilerlemesi için verdiği sözü tuttu. 📌Sürecin hukuki ve siyasi ayaklarının oluşturulması lazım. 📌Mevcut durum (Devlet) Bahçeli'nin sınavı gibidir. Gerçekten dediğini yapabilecek mi? Şimdiye kadar böyle bir şey olmadı. 📌Önder Apo'nun özgür çalışır hale gelmesi lazım. 📌Biz İmralı'nın yıkılmasını ve Önderliğin İmralı'dan çıkmasını istiyoruz. 📌Önderliği anlamamız ve ikna olmamız için Önderlik ile iletişim kurma koşullarının mutlaka oluşması gerekiyor. PKK kongresini toplar, başka karar alır. Çünkü anlamazsa nasıl tartışacak? Kesinlikle buna gerek var. 📌Biz ateşkesi tek taraflı ilan ettik. 📌AKP iktidarının yaklaşımları oldukça kaygı vericidir. 📌Asıl sorumluluğu üstlenmesi gereken Erdoğan’dır. 📌Erdoğan, kendisini ve Türkiye toplumunu yanıltan bir tutum içindedir. 📌PKK’nın ulaştığı düzeyi anlamak için ortaya konulan çağrı ve sonrasında açığa çıkan atmosferin iyi analiz edilmesi gerekmektedir. Ben ilgililere öncelikle bunu söylemek istiyorum; kimse kendisini kandırmasın. 📌Ateşkes kararı aldığımız günden beri saldırılar devam ediyor. Bizim tartıştığımız şey; koşullar oluşursa silahlı mücadeleye son vermek. Demek ki bunu istemeyen kesimler var. Silahların susması istenmiyorsa, bir provokasyon süreci tasarlanıyor demektir. Ateşkes istememek, çatışmasızlığı istememek bu sürecin yürümemesi demektir. 📌Bizden çok Türkiye’yi değişim bekliyor. 📌Kürt sorunu, AKP-MHP'nin tekeline bırakılmayacak kadar tarihseldir. 📌CHP'nin içinde süreci kaşıyan sağlıklı bir tutum almasını engelleyen bir kesim var. 📌CHP şunu bilmeli: Kürt sorununu çözen yanında Kürtleri bulur. 📌Yeni Türkiye şekillenirken Kürt halkı kendi iradesini siyasal zemine yansıtacaktır. https://t.me/gerilaname1

(machine translation)
The coalition “No room for defense! ” organizes the protest march “Stop the arms race on Saturday 5 April at 1 pm in #Leeuwarden. No room for defense! ” This demonstration for humanity and against militarism is aimed at the billions of investments in weapons of war and against the #NATO exercise “Ramstein Flag ” at Leeuwarden Air Base.

The air base in Leeuwarden stands for war and pollution instead of “peace and safety ”. Billions are already being spent on fighter jets such as the F-35, frigates, tanks and other weapons of war, and the call to invest much more in weapons is only getting louder. Meanwhile, the wars in #Ukraine, #Palestine, #Sudan, #Kurdistan and many other countries have never ended.
#antimilitarism #ResistMilitarism #Protest #Netherlands

Todon Acties · Protestmars tegen grootschalige NAVO-vliegoefening Ramstein FlagDEMONSTRATIE VOOR MENSELIJKHEID De coalitie “Geen ruimte voor defensie!” organiseert op zaterdag 5 april om 13.00 uur in Leeuwarden de protestmars “Stop de wapenwedloop. Geen ruimte voor defensie!” Deze demonstratie voor menselijkheid en tegen militarisme is gericht tegen de miljardeninvesteringen in oorlogstuig en tegen de Navo-oefening “Ramstein Flag” op vliegbasis Leeuwarden. De vliegbasis in Leeuwarden staat voor oorlog en vervuiling in plaats van “vrede en veiligheid”. Er worden al miljarden besteed aan straaljagers zoals de F-35, fregatten, tanks en ander oorlogstuig en de roep om nog veel meer te investeren in wapens wordt alleen maar luider. Ondertussen komt er maar geen einde aan de oorlogen in Oekraïne, Palestina, Soedan, Koerdistan en vele andere landen. Van 31 maart t/m 11 april houdt de Navo vanaf vliegbasis Leeuwarden de grootschalige luchtmachtoefening Ramstein Flag. Deze oefening leidt tot enorme overlast, gigantische uitstoot van stikstof en broeikasgassen en draagt bij aan het verhogen van de oorlogsdreiging in Europa en de wereld. Het is daarom tijd om te kiezen voor vrede en rechtvaardigheid. Wij demonstreren op zaterdag 5 april in Leeuwarden voor menselijkheid en tegen militarisme tijden de protestmars “stop de wapenwedloop. Geen ruimte voor defensie!” Tijdens deze demonstratie willen we ook aandacht vragen voor de slachtoffers van Navo-geweld, zoals de slachtoffers van het dodelijke Nederlandse bombardement op Hawija in Irak. ACHTERGRONDEN VLIEGBASIS LWD: EEN GEVAAR VOOR IEDEREEN De vliegbasis wordt gepresenteerd als een garantie voor veiligheid, maar zorgt juist voor risico's en gevaar, zowel lokaal als wereldwijd, en houdt een systeem van oorlog en militarisering in stand dat geen vrede brengt. In plaats van bescherming vormt de vliegbasis juist een doelwit in tijden van conflict. VLIEGBASIS LWD: MILIEUSCHADE ZONDER GRENZEN De vliegbasis draagt door de enorme uitstoot van CO2, stikstof en andere giftige stoffen fors bij aan de klimaatcrisis en lokale vervuiling. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat krijgsmachten wereldwijd verantwoordelijk zijn voor bijna 6 procent van alle CO2-uitstoot. Daarnaast is het water bij de vliegbasis ernstig vervuild met PFAS, een soort “forever plastic” dat zeer schadelijk is voor mens en natuur. Ook kampen omwonenden met stress, gehoorschade en ademhalingsproblemen. VLIEGBASIS LWD: WAPENS BOVEN WELZIJN De kosten van de vliegbasis zijn nu al gigantisch en dan wil defensie de basis ook nog eens gaan uitbreiden. Miljarden euro's worden verspild aan oorlogstuig, terwijl dat geld beter besteed kan worden aan zorg, onderwijs, betaalbare woningen, ontwikkelingshulp en diplomatie en niet te vergeten de strijd tegen klimaatverandering. Uiteindelijk levert de wapenwedloop alleen profijt op voor oorlogshitsers en de wapenindustrie. VLIEGBASIS LWD: LAWAAI BOVEN LEEFBAARHEID Dagelijks worden omwonenden en dieren in de wijde omgeving geteisterd door de gigantische geluidsoverlast van straaljagers. Deze herrie is geen bijzaak, maar een direct aanval op de levenskwaliteit en gezondheid van omwonenden. Volgens de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie WHO is geluid één van de grootste gevaren in onze leefomgeving. Het kan zowel lichamelijke als psychische klachten veroorzaken en zelfs tot sterfgevallen leiden. Rust, ruimte en welzijn worden opgeofferd voor militaristisch machtsvertoon.

🕸glané sur le net🕸 Turquie : Pour les partisans du PKK, une pilule amère...: Le 27 février, Abdullah Öcalan, le leader emprisonné du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK) – qui était engagé dans une lutte d'indépendance de quatre décennies contre l'État turc – a fait une annonce dramatique. Il a appelé à la dissolution de son organisation et au désarmement de tous (…)
-- Kurdistan de Turquie europe-solidaire.org/spip.php? #Turquie #PKK #Kurdistan #Öcalan #Liberté

www.europe-solidaire.orgTurquie : Pour les partisans du PKK, une pilule amère... - Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières Le 27 février, Abdullah Öcalan, le leader emprisonné du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK) – qui était engagé dans une lutte d'indépendance (…)

TKP-ML KKB: With the Struggle We Have Woven and Organized with Our Labor, Let Us Uproot and Destroy the Patriarchal System!

With the Struggle We Have Woven and Organized with Our Labor, Let Us Uproot and Destroy the Patriarchal System!

Today, as millions of women across the world, we once again mark March 8, International Working Women’s Day, as a crucial milestone in our struggle for freedom, defending our labor, our rights, and our human dignity. For March 8 is not a celebration but a vital tool for advancing our struggle towards liberation—especially at a time when the fascist dictatorship in our country intensifies its exploitation and oppression, when imperialist aggression and the devastating consequences of wars escalate, and when our bodies and labor are subjected to ever-increasing forms of repression.

Imperialism, just as it oppresses the peoples of the world, crushes working women in a vicious cycle of exploitation and violence. Neoliberal policies, wars raging across the globe, unemployment, poverty, and environmental disasters systematically impoverish women, steal their lives, and condemn them to slavery. Today, women around the world are not only victims of economic crises but also of wars. According to United Nations data, women in countries affected by war, occupation, and conflict suffer 70% more victimization. The barbaric attacks women face in war, sexual violence, rape, and enslavement, stand before us as the most savage face of imperialism.

We, as women, are not only the victims of wars but also those who bear their heaviest burdens. We are the ones displaced from our homes and lands, subjected to torture and violence, forced to live in misery as migrants, cast out socially and economically, and devastated in every possible way. Let us not forget: the ever-growing number of migrant and refugee women is a direct consequence of the destruction wrought by wars and capitalism.

Imperialism does not only make us women the victims of wars and economic crises, but it is also the very system that exploits women and sustains their status as second-class citizens. Today, also women in Turkey are deeply affected by the destructive effects of this global order. The country’s economic crisis, unemployment, inflation, and precarious working conditions disproportionately target women and LGBTQ+ individuals. While the female labor force participation rate in Turkey hovers around 30%, this figure not only highlights the exclusion of women from the workforce but also exposes the extent of workplace discrimination they face. Women are subjected to wage inequality, job insecurity, and a concentration in low-paid jobs, leading to the ruthless exploitation of their labor. Meanwhile, the AKP-MHP government, which erects police barricades to protect bosses against every worker’s strike and action demanding rights, does everything in its power to crush our struggle.

But this is not all. In recent years, there has been a severe regression in women’s and LGBTQ+ rights in Turkey. Patriarchal control over women’s bodies has intensified, and since the government’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention in 2021, the AKP has been systematically weakening laws against gender-based violence under the guise of “protecting the family,” further increasing women’s insecurity. Violence against women has become a daily reality, often culminating in femicides, while the state and judiciary’s stance has only reinforced this culture of violence.

The declaration of this year as the “year of the family” signals that this state of insecurity will only deepen further. Last year, 68% of femicides were committed by a former or current husband or partner, making it clear that the family itself is a fundamental security threat for women. The ongoing attempts to abolish our already inadequate and poorly enforced alimony rights are yet another means of trapping us within the prison called the “family.”

At the same time, the hard-won rights over our own bodies continue to be attacked through anti-women legislation. Our right to abortion has been under severe threat in recent years, and the AKP government’s rhetoric about restricting abortion is nothing but an attempt to strip us of the right to make decisions over our own bodies.

“We Will Win Through Organized Struggle!”

The aggressive policies of imperialism, the growing threat of war, and the worsening economic and social conditions of women and LGBTQ+ individuals in our country call on all of us to organize, unite in solidarity, and fight back.

Despite this bleak reality, the women’s struggle must raise its voice in every sphere, from the streets to the factories, from schools to workplaces. We must organize more every day, expand the resistance, and wage an uncompromising fight against the patriarchal system. And we must do this not only for our own rights but for the true liberation of the working class and the oppressed masses.

Throughout history, we have resisted, fought, and won victories! Now, as women from Turkey and all around the world, let us once again raise the banner of our struggle even higher and proclaim our fight for equality, freedom, and justice.

The struggle ignited in 1857 by the textile women workers in New York, at the cost of their lives, continues and will continue in every corner of the world!

Long live International Women’s Solidarity!

We will fight, and we will win against Imperialist war threats, Fascism, Racism, Poverty, and Patriarchy!

Long live our party TKP-ML and KKB


March 2025


HomeLANGUAGESENGLISHTKP-ML KKB: With the Struggle We Have Woven and Organized with Our Labor, Let Us Uproot and Destroy the Patriarchal System! TKP-ML KKB: With the Struggle We Have Woven and Organized with Our Labor, Let Us Uproot and Destroy the Patriarchal System!

With the Struggle We Have Woven and Organized with Our Labor, Let Us Uproot


abolitionmedia.noblogs.orgTKP-ML KKB: With the Struggle We Have Woven and Organized with Our Labor, Let Us Uproot and Destroy the Patriarchal System! – Abolition Media
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I'm convinced that the new Syrian regime can't be trusted and I find it alarming that the SDF signed this so quickly. Is there something going on, where we don't know about? Why signed by the SDF and not by the DAANES civic authorities? If I had lived in Rojava, I would be wary about all this. Like what about *democratic confederalisme*? I don't see anything mentioned. What about the *women revolution*? I don't see anything mentioned. Odd things are happening.

North press agency: *Syrian Government and SDF Reach Landmark Agreement on Kurdish Rights and Security*


"The Syrian government and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) reached a groundbreaking agreement on Monday, marking a major political shift in the country’s long-standing conflict. The deal, signed in Damascus, recognizes Kurdish rights within the Syrian state, ensures the integration of key institutions, and sets the framework for joint security cooperation.

The agreement, signed between Syrian President Ahmad al-Shar’a and SDF commander Mazloum Abdi, comes amid growing regional tensions and escalating security threats in northeast Syria. It addresses multiple key points, including governance, security, and the return of displaced Syrians. …"

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SDF-Streitkräfte im Nordosten: Syriens Führung einigt sich mit Kurden
DER SPIEGEL · SDF-Streitkräfte im Nordosten: Syriens Führung einigt sich mit KurdenBy DER SPIEGEL

Parce que c'est important de se rappeler qu'il y a aussi des trucs cools qui arrivent, le #JournalDesBonnesNouvelles de la semaine dernière, du 3 au 9 mars (avec 0 transition entre deux info)

The Kyiv Independent · Ukraine brings back 7 children from occupied territories, RussiaBy Olena Goncharova

MKP/MK; “Raise the Struggle for Women’s Liberation and Socialism With the Spirit of Resistance of March 8!”

The attacks of the rulers in the world and in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan have continued exponentially for the last year. The problem of the expansion and recklessness of violence against the oppressed was once again exposed in all its nakedness during the occupation attacks on Gaza. This open massacre of the Palestinian people by the imperialists was an indirect message of the imperialist ruling powers that determine the world equation to the peoples and oppressed of the world. This message goes beyond the Palestinian people; That it is futile to resist for the rights of the world and its oppressed, and if you resist, we will not leave any stone unturned without saying women and children, schools, hospitals, churches and mosques, and we will bring your world down on your head…

The same message was wanted to be given to women and LGBTI+s within the scope of the gender struggle by fascist parties and religious-salafist reactionary administrations that gained power in world politics. In fact, practical steps were taken and the women’s liberation struggle was subjected to serious attacks.

After Iran and Afghanistan, the religious-reactionary government in Syria also imposed compulsory hijab on women, and women were forbidden to go out in the regions under their rule without a male relative. There have been mass arrests and massacres of transgender people in some Syrian cities.

Women’s and LGBTI+ rights and struggles; In the last year, it was an ordinary target sign where male-dominated structures and administrations in many parts of the world practiced shooting. Electoral investments have taken the form of who is more misogynistic and LGBTI+ haters. Abortion bans and restrictions on access to contraception have come to the fore, especially in the United States and European countries; the existence of LGBTI+ people was denied, saying that sexual orientation and gender identities are diseases; Femicide, sexual violence, hate crimes and labor exploitation have increased more than ever.

Attacks on women’s achievements in Turkey-Northern Kurdistan continued in a similar manner. Now, with the declarations of the “Year of the Family”, plans are being made to confine women to their homes, and as a result of these plans, it is aimed to force women into care work and to expose them to more labor exploitation. Incentives for childbirth, money per child, and long-term planning due to declining birth rates, as well as making it harder for women to access contraception, are only a preliminary stage in turning women into fetal containers.

LGBTI+s, on the other hand, have been the main agenda of “family strengthening” policies for a long time. LGBTI+s, who are seen as the destroyers of the “holy family”, are the direct target of power discourses.

Some of the articles prepared for the laws that have come to the fore in recent days and stipulate prison sentences for the open expression of sexual orientation and gender identities make LGBTI+ people vulnerable to sexist and homophobic attacks, especially their life safety.

These examples, which are an indication that the political process, which is already progressing with difficulties in terms of gender struggle, will become even more difficult; As seen in the increase in male violence, it will evolve into an even more aggressive situation with impunity for the perpetrators of violence, heavy penalties given to women who exercise their right to self-defense, and the encouragement of hate crimes.

The course of male-dominated state policies on this basis is first and foremost aimed at breaking the axis of women’s struggle and resistance and dominating women and LGBTI+s through force.

However, as long as the male-dominated capitalist system exists and violence continues, the legitimacy of resisting oppression will continue; There will be no end to women swimming against the tide, rebelling against the Republic of Obligations.

And moreover, the generations of women whose bodies were pierced with needles by medieval stampers in search of “signs of witchcraft” will amplify the women’s liberation struggle against today’s modern stampers who speak out over their labor and bodies.

Resistance; It is very difficult and will take it from the system. This clear aspect of the struggle will enable many rebellions and oppositions to bud in the branch of action.

It is these exits that are the lamp to the darkness that should be inspired. the courage of the female student who undressed and protested against the compulsory hijab at Tehran’s Azad University; the will of the crowd that brought together hundreds of thousands of Indian women against sexual violence; the anger of Mexican women who set fire to the palaces of “justice” of the bourgeoisie; the upright stance of Gisele, who trampled on social morality rules and said that “shame must change sides”; the resistance of women from Turkey-Northern Kurdistan, who led strikes against labor exploitation; This year is an example of how impenetrable fences, rough roads and jagged slopes can also be overcome thanks to mighty walkers.

Every woman who has been discouraged, whose faith has been broken, whose talents have been usurped should remember and not forget: Thanks to those who chose to fight against blind indifference rather than sit by the window and watch those struggling outside, this sexist darkness was able to be torn away.

Audacious subjects who insist on taking the helm of their own lives; These swamps could be drained because guillotines, execution benches, and death squads were inhabited.

And this world; Women who have turned resistance into a part of life because there are those who prefer to be angry have not come to an end, they have not yet become pitch because they have multiplied.

As every year, this year, the legacy of 129 weaving women from New York, who rebelled against the conditions of exploitation and paid for it with their lives, is the price of freedom; it will be owned and nurtured by its successors. And today, women will raise their common voices and demands from all continents against the system in which labor stolen under capitalist exploitation, hungry stomachs, poverty and being tested by violence, justice that protects men, murderers of women, child abusers and perpetrators of hatred are fed.

Once again, we salute the resistance of the activist culture, the destructive dynamic that created March 8, commemorates with respect and gratitude all women pioneers who have become immortal in the struggle for socialism, especially Comrade Clara Zetkin, who is the inspiration of today; We reiterate our pledge to enlarge the great heritage handed down to us at great cost and to develop the fight for all the positions to be won for the sake of the struggle for freedom.

* Long live our Women’s Freedom Struggle!

* Long live March 8, International Working Women’s Day! * Jin, Jiyan, Azadi! Maoist Communist Party/Central Committee March 2025
